Wednesday, 14 July 2010

New Whatevers Forever

New this et that for now:

Tomorrow I am mixing new megablast-of-gloopy-harsh-drone album MEGA ZONE. I am excited, and it's one of the few things that keeps me busy inbetween fashioning a noose out of old cigarette butts.

Soon I'm gonna make a video for HYPER CITY, the first track off Hyper Vapour (which still isn't out or anything yet), and if anyone wants to join in then they SHOULD because I need people to wrong up the shots

Then I guess I will be writing some new stuff OR WHATEVER, fucking hell leave me alone already.

In the mean time, I will be starting some NEW BAND and I don't know what it sounds like or what the fucking name is OH FOR FUCK'S SAKE WILL YOU SHUT UP ALREADY? It's early days, isn't it.

I am also perpetually on the hunt for gigs, and if anyone has a pocket of around half an hour that they can give up to a short man who likes feedback and ritualistik yelling, then that would be lovely wouldn't it? The answer is yes.

I'm gonna put up the artworks I done recently here in SOME DAYS soon too, so you can look at it.

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